Open Source is an online initiative organized by Raquel Cayre to present works by individual artists and designers through her website Works are sold through the website’s online shop and will focus on one artist at a time.
Open Source is not an online exhibition or a viewing room. It is a D.T.C. platform to offer the consumer/collector direct access to work from the artist or designer. Unlike most gallery models (status-driven and hierarchical), Open Source will focus on easy access and transparency. It does not propose to rethink ecommerce or the exhibition format, but, like a laboratory or workshop, test and iterate as it develops. Right now, there are no shows, no program, no seasons, no space.
Open Source is always changing.
Like “open-source” code, Open Source will not assume a fixed form, but contour fluidly. Open Source is emergent. It is not defined up front. It’s about standing for production rather than reception. It is a tool.
“We shape our tools and thereafter our tools shape us.”*
Open Source succeeds, to quote Peggy Guggenheim, "only in serving the future instead of recording the past." So, when thinking about Open Source, we are also thinking about Art of this Century Gallery, Umberto Eco’s “Open Work” and Rauschenberg’s “Open Score”. The project is to help see “everything in relationships.”**
Everything is connected.
Everything is open.
Open Score.
Open Work.
Open Plan.
Open Source.
—Raquel Cayre